The Obamas, the Clintons and the Bushes all say...

This is safe for you and your kids
(but NOT for them and their families)

It's BANNED from the White House,
but sold as "safe" to you and me...

We now know the FDA covered up 40,000 documents showing it's toxic and even cancerous.

The science says it increases your chances of getting...

  • Breast cancer
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney problems
  • And more!

Dear Friend,

This is outrageous.

Right now 70 percent of the food in your kitchen contains a substance so toxic it caused test subjects to develop giant tumors.

But President Obama doesn't want you to know about it.

Even though this substance has been banned from the White House kitchen and Air Force One.

Why is Obama covering this up?

My guess is it's because the "big business" profiting from selling it contributed $4.5 million to Obama's election campaigns.

In other words this President, like so many politicians, is willing to risk your life, my life and the lives of our children just so he can get elected.

He's not the only one covering this up—as you're about to find out, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hid over 40,000 documents showing just how toxic it really is.

We also know the Clintons and the Bushes played along with powerful interests more interested in making money, than doing the right thing.

And these pictures are the smoking gun that proves it!

Scientist "Shocked by extreme negative health impacts" of so-called "safe" food!

These rats were part of a landmark scientific study conducted to see what the effects of eating food with this substance regularly will have on your health.

If you look at the pictures you'll see each rat has GIANT tumors.

Notice they don't have just one tumor—the average test subject developed three tumors!

This was the first study on what happens if you ingest this poison regularly—like most people do. And here's what the scientific researchers found.

  • 7 out 10 females died early vs. only 2 out 10 who didn't eat food treated with this poison.
  • 50 percent to 80 percent of females developed tumors if they ate a lot of this substance—and the average subject developed THREE TUMORS.
  • Male and female subjects developed BIGGER Tumors if they ate so-called "Safe-food"—exposed to this poison
  • Tumors developed TWICE AS FAST in the subjects that ate this toxic substance.

That's just the tip of the iceberg of health dangers this supposedly "safe" product has been linked to.

Molecular biologist, Dr. Michael Antoniou, of King's College in London who was involved in the study reported,

"It shows an extraordinary number of tumors developing earlier and more aggressively—particularly in female animals. I am shocked by the extreme negative health impacts."

Eating "organic?" Better be sure!

You're feeding tumor-causing food to your grandkids every time they come over to your house...

The Grocery Manufacturing Association reports 70 percent of all food in your grocery store contains this toxic substance.

And until non-profit organizations—and a few food companies with conscience—are able to get nationwide labeling laws passed, there's a small chance even some organic foods contain trace amounts of this poison.

Every time you...

  • Drink that tall glass of milk, eat a bowl of ice cream, or put cheese in your omelets...
  • Share those holiday cookies or cupcakes with your kids or grandkids...
  • Eat that juicy rib-eye or New York Strip steak you threw on the grill...

You're eating it!

It's everywhere in your kitchen. And President Obama has guaranteed that not even food labeled "organic" is free of this toxic poison.

Worse, I'm about to show you how this cover-up is barely the tip of the iceberg of the betrayal of the American public.

So what's the poison I'm talking about?
Glyphosate, an herbicide sprayed on “all”
genetically modified crops...

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup®. And regardless of the negative effects, it’s the secret weapon in big agriculture's quest to make alarmingly large profits… all on the backs of unsuspecting citizens.

I bet you're thinking, "But I'm sure the Food and Drug Administration did its job and made sure GMO crops treated with Roundup® have been tested for safety"—right?

The answer is no, the FDA never required any aspect of genetic modification to be tested for negative health effects.

Independent scientists have done the research and found that regularly eating genetically modified foods could...

  • Give you breast cancer!
  • Damage your liver!
  • Hurt your kidneys!

Worse the science shows eating GMO foods could...

  • Give you cancer: Remember, up to 8 out of 10 test subjects who ate genetically modified foods in one test ended up with cancerous tumors.
  • Give you MORE tumors: On average test subjects developed three tumors not one, three.
  • Give you cancer faster: That's right, when eating GMO the test subjects developed tumors twice as fast as those who ate regular food.

The Bottom line: 7 out of 10 test subjects who ate GMO Foods regularly died early. This food could take years off your life and you're eating it every day.

The FDA hid 40,000 documents and ignored their own scientists who spoke out against GMO foods and Glyphosate!

Scientists inside the FDA warned against letting GMO foods on the market without proper safety testing.

E.J. Mathews, Ph.D., a scientist working in the FDA's Toxicology group warned, "Genetically modified plants could also contain unexpected high concentrations of plant toxicants."

But the FDA gave the whole process a free pass! They NEVER required GMO foods to be tested for negative health effects—even though their own scientists warned there was no data proving GMOs were safe for you and me to eat.

But the guys at the top of the FDA didn't care.

We now know the FDA actually hid 40,000 documents that revealed the toxicity of genetically modified foods in order to help get them approved in the U.S.

Why? Because the career path for FDA executives is to retire from the federal government, collect a lifetime pension check off the back of the taxpayers—then go to work for the companies who make GMO foods!

President Obama actually put the
Fox in charge of the henhouse...

In one of the worst cases of a politician double-crossing Americans and betraying his own so-called principles, President Obama has actually put the #1 lobbyist for GMO foods in charge of policy at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)!

Michael Taylor was the vice president and chief lobbyist for Monsanto, the company behind GMO foods. And now he's deputy commissioner of foods at the FDA.

The king of genetically modified foods and the maker of Roundup® is a company called Monsanto. They've fought the truth about their product all over the globe.

They've been accused of being responsible for the deaths of thousands of farmers. They attack any scientist who publishes studies about the negative effects of GMO on your health.

And President Obama just put this guy in charge of deciding whether GMO foods should be labeled so you know what you're eating.

What makes this worse is that when he was running for president the first time Obama promised:

THE BROKEN PROMISE: "We'll let folks know whether their food has been genetically modified because Americans should know what they're buying."

Once he was elected he broke his word.

Instead he put the guy who fought the hardest to make sure you NEVER know what you're eating in charge of deciding whether to label GMO foods.

Surprise, surprise "Monsanto Mike" Taylor decided: No, you don't need to know if genetically modified foods are in your kitchen.

They've sold their souls to the devil—their motto: "An early grave for you, a big fat bonus check for me!"

Monsanto is Just like Big Tobacco.

Monsanto is ignoring, hiding and fighting the mountain of research proving their products KILL!

The only difference is the tobacco companies never hid their product in baby food and everything else you eat. At least people had the freedom of choice to not poison their bodies!

Obama's cronies don't want you to have the same freedom of choice. That's why they're trying to hide which products contain their poison.

But today I'm going to send you a free book so you can protect yourself from the dangers of glyphosate and GMO foods.

Knowledge is the only protection you have
against GMOs and the other poisons you're
being exposed to right now.

If you're not even allowed to know when a dangerous chemical is in your food—what else aren't they telling you?

Think about how much damage just one chemical can do.

Exposure to just one common chemical, BPA, which has been used since 1940 to line your food and drink containers and most of the plastic items you've grown up with, has been shown to...

  • Increase your risk of getting cancer...
  • Increase your risk of getting heart disease...
  • Increase your risk of getting diabetes...
  • And Increase your risk of developing learning disabilities...

That's from just ONE chemical!

Overweight? The Washington Post reports
it could be because this chemical (not a food)
is in your kitchen right now.

I'm sure you've heard of Bisphenol A (aka BPA), a common chemical found in your food containers, drink bottles and more. But what might suprise you is that it's making you fat... and has been found in a whopping 95 percent of people tested.

That's because the #1 way for it to get in your body is from eating things that have been stored in plastic. Even your organic foods can become toxic if you store them wrong.

According to The Washington Post, "...studies suggest that environmental exposure to widely used chemicals may also help make people fat."

And that, "...a number of researchers are pursuing indications that the chemicals, which have been shown to cause abnormal changes in animals' sexual development, can also trigger fat-cell activity—a process scientists call adipogenesis."

Bisphenol A (BPA) has been shown to have the adipogenesis effect.

Imagine that: Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, learning disability and obesity have all been linked to being exposed to just a single chemical.

But get this...

You're exposed to over 84,000 different chemicals with "unknown" health consequences for your body!

That's right, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports there are over 84,000 different chemicals dumped, leaked, and floating around in your house... at your work... in the ground where your food grows... in the air your breathe... and throughout the country.

CNN reports only about 200 of those chemicals have been studied for safety... and only five chemicals have ever been restricted.

It's shocking! We only know the health effects of 200 chemicals but we're exposed to up to 84,000 chemicals!

We're being poisoned every day.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN's chief medical correspondent, said,

"I'd always assumed government watchdogs had evaluated and signed off on the safety of the chemicals we encounter in our lives."

"It's not to say that all chemicals are bad. Again, it is how much we don't know. Make no mistake; learning things too late can be wildly dangerous"

And he's right—it's what we don't know that's scary.

Because what we do know about chemicals is terrifying enough...

Do the laundry—get cancer? 16,000 studies document the toxicity of common ingredients in laundry detergents. You could be exposing yourself and your family to chemicals that...

  • Contribute to breast cancer...
  • Disrupt your hormone levels...
  • Contribute to testicular cancer...
  • Enlarge prostate glands...

But it's not too late to avoid all of these dangers! I've put together a step-by-step guidebook to help you poison-proof your life—and I'd like you to have it for FREE! It's called, Genetically Modified Foods and Other Deadly Poisons—and I'll tell you how to get it in just a moment...

Because today alone you're going to be exposed to large numbers of these dangerous chemicals!

  • Take a bath? Get lymphoma, bone cancer, leukemia and more! If you live in the U.S. then your tap water could have radioactive metals in it.

    Drinking water in the U.S. has been shown to have up to 2,000 percent more Radium, a radioactive metal, than legally allowed.
  • Think water filters will save you? Think again—each time you take a shower or a bath you're absorbing up to 1,000 percent more toxins through your skin than if you drank the same amount of water.

    But when you get your FREE copy of Genetically Modified Foods and Other Deadly Poisons, you can turn to page 101 and find out how to minimize your exposure to heavy metals... and more!
  • Do you garden? No wonder you get the Flu so easily! You could be slowly destroying your immune system every time you plant new flowers or pick those tomatoes—making it easier for you to get the FLU, infections and other illness.

    When you get your FREE copy of my book, just turn to page 104 to learn how to reduce your exposure to pesticides!
  • Shower, shampoo or shave? Then you're exposed to 126 chemicals! The average adult uses nine personal care products between bathing, hair care, dental care and more. And on average those nine products contain a total of 126 chemicals.

    The scary part? One study of 7,500 bath and beauty products found ONLY 28 of them had ever been completely tested for safety!

    Worse—they found that 54 out of 100 of those products VIOLATED the cosmetic industries own safety rules!

    See page 96 of Genetically Modified Foods and Other Deadly Poisons for the ONE chemical you should avoid in shampoo, deodorants and lotions!
  • Wear makeup? You absorb up to 5 pounds of chemicals a year!! And that's NOT counting your shampoo, deodorant, conditioner and other "personal care products"—that's just from your makeup.

    If you started wearing makeup when you were 20-years old and are 50 now then you could've already absorbed up to 150 pounds of chemicals.

    See page 81 of my FREE book to avoid the worst cosmetic culprit of all!

Don't worry—I'm going to send you a Free Book today to show you how to counteract any negative side effects of all those chemicals.

But first I just want you to think about this:

If being exposed to just ONE chemical can increase your risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes—how much risk are we at when we're exposed to 84,000 chemicals?

Is it any wonder that cancer rates overall have gone up 56 percent since 1975.

Think about this: The National Cancer Institute reports over 1.6 million people were diagnosed with cancer last year.

That's almost a million mothers, fathers, daughters, sisters and sons having their lives ruined by cancer every year!

And it's getting worse!

A study published in the prestigious The Lancet Oncology Journal predicted cancer rates across the board in developed nations will increase 90 percent in the next 18 years.

That means an extra 1.4 million people who shouldn't get cancer will get the disease.

Why? Many of us are convinced it's because of this toxic overload.

Every breath you take loads your body down with more dangerous chemicals!

Why do you think air high up in the mountains away from roads, buildings and civilization smells and tastes "fresher"?

Because it is! But have you ever thought about what makes your everyday air "not so fresh?" You should because the air you've been breathing since you were a child is chock full of chemicals scientifically proven to cause deadly diseases.

Just the tiny dust particles put off by modern life—from construction sites, from roads, from the rubber on tires, industrial factories, smokestacks and more—are going into your lungs almost every day and have been shown to...

  • Cause you to DIE YOUNGER if you have HEART or LUNG DISEASE!
  • Make your LUNGS WEAKER!
  • Cause your ASTHMA to flare up!
  • And more!

It gets worse! Breathe in and breathe out right now—you just inhaled a chemical cocktail that could...

  • Give you CHRONIC BRONCHITIS and even EMPHYSEMA! Sulfur dioxide, one of the six most common airborne chemicals, has been linked to both forms of repository disease.
  • Cause a deadly heart attack! The EPA admits nitrogen dioxide, another of the top airborne chemicals in our air, can aggravate heart disease and trigger a deadly heart attack.
  • Cause chest pain and even myocardial ischemia! You've been breathing carbon monoxide, the chemical that comes out of the tail pipe on your cars and trucks, every day since you were a child. This deadly chemical can reduce the amount of oxygen pumped to your heart and has been linked to cancer.

What can you do about it? A lot!

First off, today I'd like to send you a FREE COPY of my latest book, Genetically Modified Foods and Other Deadly Poisons.

In it I show you simple steps you can take right now to reduce your exposure to airborne chemicals AND how to get rid of the toxic build up in your body.

In fact I'll list eight house plants that can suck formaldehyde from indoor air!

What's the damage on our health from all these chemicals...

Consider these facts:

  • BRAIN CANCER in children has increased 30 percent since 1980. Why? Did human genetics suddenly change? Or is it the increase in chemicals exposure?
  • Your risk of getting THYROID CANCER has DOUBLED since the 1970s.
  • In the last 30 years AUTISM has gone up TEN TIMES! In just the last decade we've seen a 78 percent increase in autism. These are our kids we're talking about! If you know a child with autism you know this disease profoundly impacts their entire life.
  • 54 percent more BREAST CANCER! If you're a post-menopausal woman you have a significantly greater chance of getting breast cancer than your mom's generation.
  • 200 times more PROSTATE CANCER! If you're a man you have a 200 percent greater chance of getting prostate cancer than your father had. And a 51 percent greater chance of getting testicular cancer than he had.

It's so bad Scientists have found
287 toxic chemicals in NEWBORN babies!

It today's world babies are born into a toxic chemical bath before they ever eat GMOs.

Researchers have found 287 toxic chemicals in newborn babies and...

  • 180 cancer-causing chemicals in newborn babies
  • 217 of those chemicals are known to damage the brain and nervous system
  • 208 of those chemicals are known to cause birth defects and abnormal development

Where do those chemicals come from? From the air the mother breathes, the food she eats and drinks and the water she showers in.

If babies are born loaded down with this many chemicals imagine how many are in your body right now!

If you have heart disease, diabetes, cancer, asthma or mysterious symptoms doctors can't explain—they could be caused, at least in part, by all these chemicals in your system.

That's why I want to send you a free copy of Genetically Modified Foods and Other Deadly Poisons today to show you how to get these chemicals out of your house, out of your body and out of your life.

So you can live happy and healthy like the Good Lord intended. Because...

You CAN live a clean, poison free life with the right information!

Why bother exercising, eating healthy,
taking vitamins and supplements...
If you're going to flood your body with poisons?

Your bath and shower water is loading you down with chemicals.

Your drinking water—even if it's filtered—can load you down with chemicals.

Brushing your teeth, doing your laundry, cleaning your floors and windows, putting on your makeup and even just wearing your favorite shirt—ALL add chemicals to your body.

What are you doing right now to flush those chemicals out of your body?

How are you cleaning your body of the thousands of chemicals you're being exposed to on a regular basis?

I'll tell you one thing—DETOX diets are NOT enough. You need to do more. I give you full details in the FREE BOOK I'm going to send you today.

I'll show you exactly what you can do now to save yourself from this chemical overload.

Get your FREE COPY of Genetically Modified Foods and Other Deadly Poisons for a complete solution to chemical overload!

Staying healthy while ignoring these
toxins is like trying to dry off while you're
still in the swimming pool.

It just can’t work.

It would be a tragedy to one day lose your freedom and live in a nursing home just because nobody told you how to protect your body from the poisons in your own kitchen, bathroom and garden.

  • You're eating potentially deadly toxins every day!
  • You're drinking potentially deadly toxins every day!
  • You're showering and bathing in potentially deadly toxins every day!

Every time you take a bath or a shower you're taking weeks, months, maybe even years off your life because no one has given you the information you need... till now!

That's why I've decided to give every single person who wants it a free copy of my latest book, Genetically Modified Foods and Other Deadly Poisons that shows you everything you need to know to...

Poison-Proof Your Life!

Protect your family, your wallet and your health with your FREE copy of Genetically Modified Foods and Other Deadly Poisons!

I've spent hours and hours researching, analyzing and cross-checking the information in this book. It's not available in stores.

And I want to send it to you FOR FREE.

You will NEVER have to pay for this book.

Inside, I'm going to show you how to poison-proof your life and save money doing it.

Because the truth is—you're paying more to be poisoned than it would cost to live clean.

It's crazy but true. Remember, all these chemicals in your food, your water and your air are costing you thousands of dollars in current or future medical bills...

...they're costing you more money at the grocery store...

...and worst of all, they're costing you good, healthy years that you could spend with your loved ones.

And tell me truthfully—how much is it worth to get an extra two or five or ten healthy years of life to spend with your kids and grandkids?

It's priceless.

I want to help you guarantee your home is the safest, healthiest place on Earth for your family. So in your free book I'm going to share the latest research and information on how to keep you safe, including...

  • How to poison-proof your kitchen. Your kitchen is the heart of your home life. It's where you eat, drink and bake for the family. It's also ground zero for pollution in your house.

    Even the most cautious Americans have hidden poisons in their kitchens and cupboards. In your Free Book we'll give you easy steps to poison-proof yours!
  • These pots, pans and tea-kettles can kill you. You can buy all the healthy, organic food in the world but if you cook it in the wrong pots and pans then at every meal you're eating a toxic soup of dangerous chemicals. I tell you what to look for and how to guarantee your cookware is safe!
  • How to tell if your skincare, makeup and beauty products are REALLY safe. Most cosmetics are chock full of chemicals you wouldn't want near your body. Every time you put on lipstick, foundation or eyeliner you're being exposed.
  • Do you dye your hair? Be careful! 70 percent of hair dye products have known cancer-causing chemicals in them. I'll show you how to pick the safe brands from the dangerous ones!
  • Poison-Proof your yard and garden. Modern lawn care dumps toxic chemicals by the ton into our lives. Your garden and lawn are almost guaranteed to be full of dangerous chemicals. Get everything you need to know in your free copy of Genetically Modified Foods and Other Deadly Poisons!
  • Are your clothes poisoning you? Don't laugh! Certain common clothing fabrics have been shown to flood your system with dangerous chemicals. Get a list of what NEVER to wear!
  • Did you know chemicals from your furniture could leach into your skin? Find out if you're living room is toxic—and how to protect yourself if it is!

If you have kids or grandkids, please, please let me send you this free book!

Children are the most vulnerable victims of all this poison.

Worse, kids are exposed to MORE CHEMICALS than the average adult.

"Children are more vulnerable to the health effects of environmental contaminants, and many small children spend as much as 10 hours per day, five days a week, in child care centers," according to researchers at the University of California Berkeley Center for Environmental Research and Children's Health.

Your FREE copy of Genetically Modified Foods and Other Deadly Poisons gives you everything you need to protect the kids in your life.

The bottom line is: Your house should not make you sick or give you heart disease, cancer, asthma or other deadly health problems.

But if you don't do anything—even simple things like doing the laundry can make you sick.

It's true. The chemicals in common dryer sheets and laundry detergents can be very toxic.

One study in the journal Air Qualiy, Atmospere and Health reported air vented from dryers using top-selling liquid laundry detergent contained SEVEN hazardous chemicals... including TWO KNOWN Carcinogens!

Doing laundry SHOULD NOT expose you to cancer-causing chemicals. And that's just one of many hidden dangers in your house.

That's why your FREE copy of Genetically Modified Foods and Other Deadly Poisons shows you how to poison-proof your laundry room, your kitchen, your bathroom, your bedroom and your family!

I'm giving you this book for free because I think it will help you live a happier, healthier life—which is what The Bob Livingston Letter® is about.

Hi, my name is Bob Livingston, and for 44 years, going back to 1969, I've been publishing The Bob Livingston Letter®.

I started publishing it after I had three HEART ATTACKS before I turned 40 years old and mainstream medicine did nothing for me.

I listened to the advice the doctors gave me—but that just made me sicker.

So I went on a personal quest to study alternative cures, new medical research and turn my life around.

Now, four decades later, after dedicating my life to finding alternative cures, I've outlived the doctors whose mainstream advice ignored the kind of information I'm sharing today.

I soon found most people—even those interested in alternative cures—never heard about 90 percent of the research I'd discovered.

So I started publishing and sharing that information with anyone who would listen. And I've been blessed by the fact this information has helped so many people deal with life threatening and painful problems.

Looks Forward to Every Issue!
"The letter contains information that obviously is researched and investigated. Subjects that are not aired broadly but are very helpful and important for healthful and everyday survival, are key. Yours is a very interesting letter which I look forward to reading"
—Etta B., Fort Mill, SC
Helps Us Protect Our Freedoms!
"I appreciate your ability to research and compile this information in a clear and logical order for laymen. Freedom is a byproduct of self-control and not regulations drafted by a profession whose legal writings are intent upon deceit."
—Tim G., Plant City, FL
Common Sense and Honesty!
"The health and financial news sections are invaluable! Plain common sense is difficult to find in today's society. I appreciate Bob's honesty and straight forward talk."
—Arthur R., Snomomish, WA
Places High Value on Survival, Economy and Health!
"As a 30-year combat Naval Aviator who was shot down, but not captured, I value the heads-up information on survival, economy, health issues and the political aspects of America. Our educational system strips down self reliance, historical facts, and political awareness. YOU fill in a VOID that is drowning our great nation! Many 'Thanx' Bob!"
—Capt. Allen W., Virginia Beach, VA
Exposes the Bad Guys!
"I like the clear explanation of what's going on in Washington, D.C., exposing crooked politicians, survival guides, privacy secrets, resource list for survivalists."
—John K., Tustin, CA

I also want to send you another
45 Medical Procedures Doctors Admit You Don't Need (But They Recommend Anyway)

Read this free report before your next visit to the doctor.

It could save you hundreds—even thousands of dollars in medical expenses.

And protect you from totally unnecessary and often uncomfortable medical procedures.

I found a group of doctors willing to speak out against all the unnecessary procedures you're being put through.

In this Free Report—a $19.95 value—I warn you about the 45 procedures you don't need but many doctors prescribe anyway.

In it you'll discover...

  • 5 things your cardiologist prescribes that don't do anyone any good...
  • 5 common procedures your family physician often recommends that are completely pointless...
  • 5 useless radiology procedures that do nothing but put your money in hospital's pockets...
  • 5 Worthless cancer procedures you don't ever need—but cost a fortune.
  • And more!

YOU NEED TO READ THIS REPORT BEFORE YOUR NEXT DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT! I'll send you a copy (a $19.95 value) absolutely FREE!

But The Bob Livingston Letter® protects more than just your health—it protects your wealth too! For example...

Protect your life-savings from this new threat...
How to Stop Wall Street from Stealing the Money in Your IRA, 401k or Keogh Plan

Did you know the U.S. 7th Court of Appeals just made it LEGAL for Wall Street to STEAL your money?

This is going to turn your stomach.

Our broken legal system has now ruled that your broker—or the broker your mutual funds uses—can now use your retirement savings for its own purposes.

That means if you don't know what to look for...

  • They can use your life-savings to pay their debts...
  • They can use your retirement accounts to borrow money to invest with...
  • They can mix your money into other accounts; do whatever they want with it...

...and if they lose your money—the court says, "Too bad for you"

The courts will not prosecute them for fraud...

And handed out a blanket "Get out of jail free" card to any broker that wants to play fast and loose with your hard earned money!

Worse, they say the robbed customers can't even be first in line to get repaid if the broker goes bankrupt. No, the BANKS get first-class treatment but you and I would get nothing.

Your 401k and IRA are at risk right now.

If you don't get this FREE REPORT, How to Stop Wall Street from Stealing the Money in Your IRA, 401k or Keogh Plan, then everything you've worked your whole life to save could be stolen out from under you.

Terminator Farming: Growing
Disease and Destruction—
The Story of a Deadly Chemical Legacy and
the Two-step Protocol to Protect Yourself Now
—a $19.95 value!

This report may very well scare you straight when it comes to the truth about “terminator farming,” genetically-engineered seeds and the more-than-questionable herbicide saturating your food and spreading sickness!

My exposé reveals the deadly chemical legacy responsible for adulterating human DNA and putting you at risk for diseases ranging from depression to cancer—and what you must do to escape it! You’ll discover:

  • The typical diet that increases your risk and sets you up to be a walking toxic timebomb!
  • The government tests your food for toxic residue. Then why are they turning a blind eye to this potent poison?
  • The two-step protocol including supplements that can counter life-threatening risks from exposure to poisonous food!

You get $139.80 worth of FREE GIFTS just for letting me know IF you like this information...

I'd like to ask you a favor—I want to know your opinion of The Bob Livingston Letter™.

It's the newsletter I’ve poured my heart and soul into for 44 years.

And I want to send you twenty four issues of The Bob Livingston Letter®—a two-year subscription to try as part of a marketing test.

And as a "thank you" I'll send you all four of these free gifts...

  • Genetically Modified Foods and Other Deadly Poisons, my latest book—a $79.95 value—YOURS FREE!
  • 45 Medical Procedures Doctors Admit You Don't Need (but they recommend anyway)—a $19.95 value—YOURS FREE!
  • How to Stop Wall Street from Stealing the money in your IRA, 401k or Keogh Plan—a $19.95 value—YOURS FREE!
  • Terminator Farming: Growing Disease and Destruction—The Story of a Deadly Chemical Legacy and the Two-step Protocol to Protect Yourself Nowa $19.95 value—YOURS FREE!

A full subscription and membership is $49 a year—but I'd like to offer you two years for the price of one just for giving my newsletter a try!

Click here to claim your FREE COPY of Genetically Modified Foods and Other Deadly Poisons right now.

Every month I'll send you the latest health research, money savings strategies and the wealth building tips that 99 percent of people never hear about. I'm always looking to hear from real people what they think of this information.

People like Dorothy Goodmaker from Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania who writes, "If I had listened to you in 1999 about buying gold stocks I would be in terrific shape right now."

In case you didn't know, gold has jumped from about $290 an ounce in 1999 when I told Dorothy to invest in it to around $1,664 an ounce today—that's enough to have turned every $10,000 in your savings into $57,400.

That's the kind of information I want to send you every month along with my health research to see if you like it.

And to make sure you're fully protected while you're doing me this small favor I'm also giving you my...

100 Percent Money Back Guarantee!

If at any time you feel the information isn't worth the 6 cents a day that the subscription costs then just say the word and I'll refund 100 percent of your $49 subscription and membership fee.

But: You get to KEEP your $139.80 worth of FREE GIFTS no matter what you decide!

In exchange for these gifts I'd just like you to send me an email or letter telling me what you thought of your subscription. I want to know if you find health and wealth information, tips, tricks and advice useful.

Just click here now to claim your FREE COPY of Genetically Modified Foods and Other Deadly Poisons.

That's it.

I'm so proud of what we've put together that I want to share it with you. And get your honest reaction.

I know right now you're spending a lot of time, energy and money making sure you and your family live as healthy as possible.

But if you don't poison-proof your life—then you're fighting an up-hill battle even with all the vitamins, minerals, health food and exercise in the world.

Because these chemicals are polluting your body and destroying your health!

Do you want to know all the poisons hidden around your house? And how to get rid of them?

And do you want to know how to get rid of the chemicals that have already piled up in your body?

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I hope to hear from you today. I don't believe there is anything more important you can do today for your health then to poison-proof your life.

I wish you all the health, happiness and prosperity that you deserve!


Bob Livingston

Bob Livingston, Editor
The Bob Livingston Letter™

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