Bob Livingston Letter

CHAOS has ensued thanks to skyrocketing premiums, a disastrous online federal marketplace, and angry Americans losing coverage (and jobs)! It's not too late to protect yourself
and prepare for...

The Top 10 Ways
OBAMACARE Will Affect You!

  • On Medicaid or Medicare? Your doctor may drop you!
  • Employer provided insurance? Watch out for penalties if you smoke, don't exercise enough or weigh too much!
  • History of heart disease, hip or knee replacement? The ER may be the only place you'll get treatment!
  • Don't mind seeing a nurse when you're really sick? Great—because the doctors are jumping ship!

PLUS, discover FIVE things you MUST DO RIGHT NOW to Escape this Sick Healthcare System!

Dear Friend,

Obamacare is upon us. In October the insurances exchanges began. And despite recent efforts, the individual mandate will be enforced. Whether you're insured through your employer, private insurance, Medicaid or Medicare—or uninsured—you will be affected by the red tape and chaos that is the Obamacare trainwreck.

Once Obamacare was affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court—which ensured the law would take effect—I knew people would need help understanding how Obamacare would affect them. But they would also need to know how best to avoid falling into the Obamacare trap.

I can think of no one more qualified to help you understand the changes you will face—and how they will directly impact your health and your life—more than my friend, Dr. Michael Cutler.

Dr. Cutler is a medical doctor. He knows how the new regulations will affect his ability to treat patients. He knows what you will face as a patient. He knows the ins and outs of the system. And he is very concerned about what he sees coming down the pike.

This mutual concern is exactly what brought us together several years ago. We both suffered from conditions that mainstream medicine failed to properly treat. For Dr. Cutler it resulted in radical surgery that disrupted his life for years. For me, well, I was on the edge of death more than once.

That's why I partnered with him to bring you the single-most important book you will read this year...

Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From A Sick Healthcare System pulls back the curtain and exposes all the sordid details of Obamacare. So you'll know the reality of how it will affect you, what you can do now to escape the chaos, plus lots of tips to help you take control of your health so you can make good decisions about your future healthcare needs.

So let's have a frank one-on-one discussion—starting with...

REPEAL? It's NOT Gonna Happen!

There are those who would like to see this Goliath healthcare reform repealed, but the truth of the matter... is that's just not within the realm of short-term political reality.

So, in just a short amount of time, a flurry of changes are going to begin that WILL affect you in one way or another.

The better informed you are, the less surprised you'll be, and if you take my advice you may be able to skirt the whole issue—or most of it!

So over the next few minutes, I'm going to do TWO vitally important things:

#1: Share a little of what you can expect as a result of the individual mandate! No smoke screens here—I'm stating information based on the provisions of the healthcare act and what experts in the field are saying—and seeing!

#2: Most importantly—I'm going to provide recommendations on how you can avoid the entire Obamacare nightmare by taking control of your health out of the government's hands and putting it back where it belongs!

Continued below...

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Though implementation of Obamacare has been in its infancy, it is about to grow up fast in 2014. So keep reading and I'll countdown the multiple ways Obamacare will affect you plus give you even more tools you can use to navigate what I fear could quickly become a broken healthcare system.

The Number TEN Way Obamacare Will Impact You:

We've been able to speculate based on what we know now from the basis of the provisions—and what those in the medical profession and insurance industry are expecting to happen:

And that is: Complete loss of quality care, because...

Obamacare will:

  • Destroy the doctor/patient relationship!
  • Make seeing a medical care provider almost impossible!
  • Put ratings and profits above patients!
  • Put millions out of work!
  • And make healthcare a bureaucratic nightmare!

Henry Chao, deputy chief information officer at the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services stated at a committee meeting regarding the health insurance exchanges, "Let's just make sure it's not a third-world experience."

Well, I think it's a little too late for those in the Obama Administration to worry about what they've unleashed on the American people! The wheels are set in motion. And we're off to a very rocky start already!

But it's not too late for you to free yourself from this SICK HEALTHCARE SYSTEM!

In Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From A Sick Healthcare System, Dr. Cutler explains:

  • ACOs (Accountable Care Organizations) and how to shield your medical information from them!
  • The myths surrounding American Healthcare so you can make better decisions about your care!
  • Why you may want to avoid Medicaid, even if you become eligible!
  • And more!

The Number NINE Way Obamacare Will Impact You: YOUR ONE-CHANCE TO GET WELL

As part of the Obama Administration's healthcare overhaul, hospitals that re-admit patients within 30 days of discharge now face a readmission penalty.

Yes, you read that correctly! Better hope they get everything right the first go-around, and that you don't have a relapse because—under penalty of fine—hospitals will be very wary of letting you back in the door.

This warped incentive—designed to improve your quality of care—will in fact do just the opposite! Readmission, especially with elderly patients is unavoidable up to 75% of the time!

And certain patients—those with history of heart disease and hip and knee replacement have been singled out! These poor souls may only find relief in an ER.

This is healthcare? Sick people need to see doctors and they need to see them quickly! Hospitals need to provide care without fear of letting a patient back in the door!

In Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From A Sick Healthcare System, you'll discover:

  • Medical tourism—and how to make it work for you!
  • How to bypass the rules and regulations to get the care you need if insurance won't approve of it!
  • The alternative treatment choices the doctors and hospitals won't tell you about!
  • And more!

The Number EIGHT Way Obamacare Will Impact You:

According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, America faces a dire predicament: a shortage of more than 90,000 doctors over the next 10 years...

Because doctors are bailing ship to the tune of 62 percent—for one reason: OBAMACARE!

With all the uncertainties surrounding Obamacare, there are a few things the doctors seem completely sure about...

  • Practicing medicine will become a bureaucratic nightmare!
  • Doctors—and hospitals—will be restricted in the care they can provide and will suffer the consequences if they break the rules of Obamacare!
  • There will not be enough doctors to handle the influx of millions of new Medicaid and Medicare patients—and the government is already restricting the fees doctors can charge!
  • Private practice will become a thing of the past. Obamacare is designed to make it harder for doctors to work on their own terms so they're forced into giant, people-eating hospitals.

When you no longer enjoy your life's passion, your work suffers. When it comes to medicine that's just not acceptable, and why many doctors are saying "NO" to Obamacare!

In Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From A Sick Healthcare System, Dr. Cutler explains:

  • The #1 way to avoid being swallowed up by Obamacare!
  • Why you must secure a specific primary care doctor NOW—especially if you're close to retirement age!
  • What is a concierge physician and why you need to know!
  • And more!

The Number SIX and SEVEN Ways Obamacare

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that at least 7 million—and as many as 20 million—people will lose their employer coverage because of regulations imposed by ObamaCare.

Why? Because it's simply going to be more cost-effective for most large companies to simply pay the government-imposed fine than to keep insurance on their employees!

And the small companies don't even have a chance. Despite tax breaks and incentives to insure employees, the skyrocketing premiums have many running scared.

So scared they're going to make sure you walk the line to try to lower the cost of premiums they'll be forced to pay if they can't get out of this insurance scam!

Corporations across the country have already started mandating that their employees enroll in company Wellness Programs and report their weight, their blood pressure and blood sugar and relinquish—under threat of penalty—any bad habits, like smoking, and take up walking, running or some sort of approved exercise.

Not only is the government putting its nose in your personal health—but so is your employer! And this assault on your privacy is approved by the Obama Administration!

Don't want to join your company Wellness Program. No problem... just sign this waiver and pay $600! No joke.

In Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From A Sick Healthcare System, you'll discover:

  • Which procedures, tests or treatments are not always necessary so you can keep some health issues "off the radar!"
  • Are you a business owner? This "escape hatch" may help you provide truly affordable coverage for your employees!
  • Choices to help you avoid letters, frustrating phone calls and mounds of paperwork just to be treated!
  • And more!

The Number FIVE Way Obamacare Will Impact You: SKYROCKETING PREMIUMS

Despite all the promises that Obamacare would make insurance more affordable—the simple logic and laws of business show otherwise...

Premiums are going to skyrocket over the coming months, putting insurance providers and small companies forced to provide insurance right out of business!

Why? Well, let's start with just one of many reasons...

Under ObamaCare, so that everyone can run out and get "affordable insurance" as we are now required by law—insurance providers are being forced to offer the same coverage at the same rates regardless of pre-existing conditions, sex or AGE.

"Age" was used by the insurance industry as THE biggest determining factor in how much a person's premium may rise... till now.

So to be able to offer both the healthy and the elderly the exact same coverage, insurance providers will be forced to raise premiums on their young and healthy clients!

That means that while the elderly may see the slightest decrease, you can plan on seeing a big increase in your premium!

In Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From A Sick Healthcare System, Dr. Cutler explains:

  • Why rejecting insurance coverage may be better financially—despite penalties!
  • How insurance exchanges will operate!
  • What to expect if your State opted out of a State-run insurance exchange!
  • And much, much more!

Take Your Healthcare from Chaos to Control

Regrettably, many American adults hold to the false notion that their health is out of their control and that their genes control their health destinies. Nothing could be more false!

That's why I feel it's imperative to show you how to take control of your health out of the hands of the government where it can only get worse, and put it back where it belongs—with you!

In our new book, Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System—Dr. Cutler and I detail TEN ways you will be impacted by Obamacare (you've only seen FIVE here!), plus FIVE ways that you can escape the chaos ahead and take control of your health to be healthier than you've ever been before!

How? By opening your eyes to CHOICE!

Choice will help you become independent from an already-flawed healthcare system about to undergo major change, seemingly with such little guidance and forethought, that access to healthcare is going to become more difficult than ever.

You don't have to sit back accept government control. Take control of your health starting with...

Find out how to get Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System, and two Special Reports FREE, today!

Preventative Care

Preventative care—being proactive to keep your body in a healthy state—is the best way to keep from being swallowed up by Obamacare.

Preventative care reflects the medical philosophy Thomas A. Edison had in mind when he said, "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."

What few people realize (and most conventional doctors keep secret) is that many illnesses can be prevented—even reversed—without drugs. Lifestyle interventions and good nutrition has been shown to eliminate the likes of diabetes, glucose intolerance, metabolic syndrome—and more—in most people.

Those "in the know" rely on conventional medicine very little in their lives. Instead, they understand the factors that lead to disease and actively change their lifestyles to prevent it.

The first step to being your own physician is to be fully accountable. When you can account for your contributions to the state of your own health you become the creator of your own good health.

Our guide, Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System, will help you do just that! Starting with...

Find out how to get Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System, and two Special Reports FREE, today!

Managing Blood Sugar Problems—
Without Side Effects

Treating diabetes in America is a $174 billion-a-year cash cow—making up to 20 percent of all health care dollars. But type 2 diabetes is one of THE most preventable diseases!

So it should come as no surprise that there are certain things the medical establishment would prefer you didn't know, such as...

Drugs CANNOT Cure Type 2 Diabetes. In fact many of the most commonly prescribed medications cause side effects that may actually make it harder to control your blood sugar.

In, Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System, Dr. Cutler shares little known natural remedies that really do help, without the dangerous side effects, like...

  • The remarkable diabetes remedy found in... orange rinds.
  • The miracle mineral that lowers blood glucose levels with no side effects.
  • The diabetes-busting berry! The leaves of this berry bush have been shown to lower blood sugar 26 percent in laboratory studies.
  • The three most powerful secrets for naturally reversing diabetes.
  • How to permanently lose 10 to 40 pounds of unwanted fat and balance your blood sugar at the same time.

Find out how to get Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System, and two Special Reports FREE, today!

Cancer Alternatives the Doctors Would Choose

Did you know that the vast majority of Oncologist would refuse chemotherapy if faced with cancer? It's true.

A rigorous review of chemotherapy reveals it fails for 98 percent of people. And when chemotherapy was tested against no treatment, no treatment proved better. What's more, only two to four percent of cancers respond well to chemotherapy.

In, Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System—you'll discover safe, natural and effective treatments you don't hear about because no one in the medical industry can profit from them! Including...

  • The "cancer diet" backed by more than 200 articles in medical literature for "incurable" diseases!
  • Over 28 vitamins and supplements with cancer-fighting properties!
  • The important relationship between detoxifying and cleansing the body to avoid cancer—and an easy way to do it!
  • Foods you absolutely must avoid if you want to remain cancer-free!
  • The food that's likely in your refrigerator right now that helps shrink tumors!

Find out how to get Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System, and two Special Reports FREE, today!

Natural Heart-Healing Secrets You Must Know

Recent reports shockingly revealed that up to 85 percent of coronary bypasses are unnecessary, done on patients who likely WON'T benefit.

Again, I'm afraid it comes down to greed, because there are scores of new natural cures and remedies for heart disease and heart problems that are being suppressed because they're so EFFECTIVE and so AFFORDABLE.

In, Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System—you'll learn how to keep your heart healthy without surgery or medications that zap your zest for life! Just look at these effective natural remedies...

  • Fearful of a deadly blood clot? Natural doctors swear by this nutrient for breaking up blood clots and keeping your blood thin and smooth!
  • The 4,000-year-old Chinese secret for preventing hardening of arteries. In addition, it helps you lose weight, which is vital for cardiovascular health.
  • The vitamin powerhouse that raises your protective HDL cholesterol by up to 35 percent (that's good news) and lowers your LDL cholesterol by 25 percent!
  • The bypass-in-a-pill—sweeps dangerous plaque from your arteries without surgery, stents or risks.
  • The simple, 10-minutes-a-day secret that reduces your cardiovascular risk as well as taking 10 mg of Lipitor® a day.

Find out how to get Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System, and two Special Reports FREE, today!

Manage High Blood Pressure Naturally

Doctors don't know what is causing high blood pressure in 85% to 95% of their patients! So they just prescribe medications and expect you to take them forever. Scary thing is... often times these meds are more dangerous than the condition!

But if you know about the easy, effective strategies for controlling your blood pressure safely and naturally—which you'll find in Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System—you can feel better fast and get on the road to real health!

Order today to discover...

  • Health conditions that can trigger hypertension—and how they can be prevented!
  • The old-time winter remedy that's packed to the gills with essential vitamins and omega-3s—and helps lower cholesterol... reduce inflammation... and support cardiovascular health.
  • Four Chinese herbal formulas that are loaded with herbs well known for their blood pressure—reducing power—and have a calming effect as well!
  • 10 simple Stress Busters that can work wonders to help you reclaim a healthy life—and blood pressure.
  • The delicious diet that will have you DASHing to lower blood pressure in two weeks!

Find out how to get Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System, and two Special Reports FREE, today!

Useless Medical Tests and Procedures
You Don't Need Anyway

Fact is, despite a lack of scientific evidence to support the usefulness of many of the tests and procedures they use, mainstream physicians keep on foisting unhelpful therapies on patients. Sometimes, even after studies show that a test or procedure is worthless, or even harmful, they continue to have people undergo potentially damaging, ineffective treatments.

Dr. Cutler and I can only imagine that this will worsen under ObamaCare for two reasons:

#1: The level of government bureaucracy now involved in healthcare may make it easier for those willing to do anything to make a buck off the government to do so.

#2: A physician or hospital may want to throw every test or procedure they can at you to avoid rehospitalization or follow up treatment that could result in a penalty.

In, Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System—find out what tests and procedures are totally useless so if you're advised to have one done, you can make an independent decision in your own best interest!

Discover the truth about...

  • The most widely used test for breast cancer screening that is notorious for false positives—and can actually cause breast cancer!
  • Why the standard PSA test is outrageously unreliable causing unnecessary suffering for countless men.
  • Immunizations that are riskier than the illness they will supposedly protect you from!
  • The imaging test that minimizes your radiation exposure—if you absolutely need to have one.
  • And many, many more!

Find out how to get Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System, and two Special Reports FREE, today!

Tried and True Natural Remedies

Thousands of years of traditional healing ways have been handed down within every culture on our abundant planet. Tried and true herbs and foods from nature's pharmacy—and plain common sense—have been renowned for centuries but scoffed at by practitioners of conventional medicine. What are they afraid of?

Plenty! If you discover how to heal yourself they lose the power they hold over you. Escape their tyranny with the remedies you'll discover in Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System...

Order today to discover...

  • The nutrient that keeps every cell in your body charged for renewed energy!
  • The essential mineral your entire body needs for optimal health—especially your heart!
  • The Japanese secret for keeping your arteries clear!
  • The "miracle" for your liver that can also protect against abnormal cell growth!
  • And so much more!

Find out how to get Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System, and two Special Reports FREE, today!

Escape the System

This is just a fraction of the information you'll discover in our new guide. In addition to helping you take charge of your own health, you'll discover how to escape Obamacare if you are ever in a situation where you absolutely must see a doctor.

In Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System—you'll learn how to...

  • Secure a doctor now who won't drop you when Medicare/Medicaid is expanded!
  • Find a doctor or medical treatment outside of the confinements of Obamacare!
  • And how to help your doctor keep your personal health issues out of the government's hands!

Obamacare—with its far reaching grasp into your life—is going LIVE in a few short weeks.

But the information you'll find in my guide will carry you though it's complete implementation—planned through the year 2020—and beyond!!

But more importantly it will open your eyes to the vast choices you have that can put you—not anyone else but you—in control of your own health.

That is vitally important because our healthcare system is deeply flawed. It is a system built on treating symptoms and in my opinion, keeping people in a state of sickness, so that the system continues to profit.

Nothing about ObamaCare will help this fundamental flaw with the American healthcare system. In fact the bureaucracy may make it even easier for vultures in the system to profit from you.

You can sit back and accept the government's intrusion into your personal life—or you can continue the fight and take back your privacy and your health!

But here's the best news of all...

I'm so convinced that Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System needs to be in your hands, I'm making it easier for you to say "YES"—right now.

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Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System is valued at $79. But because I want to get it into the hands of as many of my fellow Americans as possible, it's yours FREE for subscribing to The Bob Livingston Letter®.

Through The Bob Livingston Letter® I make it my highest priority to prepare my readers for the constant state of crisis that has become the norm in this country...

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That's why it is so important to me to share The Bob Livingston Letter® with you... so you can be informed on the news and events most critical to your health and wealth...

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In upcoming issues of The Bob Livingston Letter®, you'll discover lifesaving, money-saving stories similar to these:

  • The Truth behind today's key investment and financial headlines...
  • The Real story behind today's most important health and healing headlines...
  • New natural cures and remedies that really work...
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But hurry! To receive your FREE copy of Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System, all you need to do is subscribe to The Bob Livingston Letter® today for only $49—that's 24 issues for the price of 12! But that's not all you can receive for FREE today! If you subscribe today, , I'll throw in these two Fast Response Bonus reports:

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But I'll want you to keep all your FREE gifts especially Navigating Obamacare—Cut Through the Red Tape and Free Yourself From a Sick Healthcare System... because it will help prepare you for the reality of Obamacare and is full of recommendations on actions you can take now to ease or avoid difficulties resulting from a system that may become even more complicated to maneuver and still more inefficient at providing healthcare.

Don't you deserve more from American healthcare? Take control and get healthier than ever—today!

Yours for healthy living,

Bob Livingston

Bob Livingston, Editor
The Bob Livingston Letter™

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